Micro-chipping Or How Not To Stab Yourself!

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One of the services that The Wessex Ferret Club is happy to provide, and encourages it’s members to take part in, is the micro-chipping of our fuzzy friends, at to this end several members took a jolly into the wilds of Wiltshire to learn this mysterious and sacred art, so that the club could continue offering this service to it’s members.

Those that arrived early were treated to that great traditional British greeting of the breakfast fry up, and many a happy full belly was seen!

After this, a rather sleep deprived trainer appeared, and we were introduced to the dark arts of the micro-chip! The theory lesson and supporting booklets provided a wealth of information, that will soon be appearing on this site, and once everyone was happy, it was on to getting the ferrets out and the much anticipated practical!

At this point, its nice to point out that no ferrets were harmed or mistreated, but the handlers and micro chippers didn’t do quite so well! But practice makes perfect, and on the second attempt, everyone was confident enough to get the job done without the onlookers giggling!
So at the end of a successful and informative day, we learnt more than a few things –

  1. Micro-chipping is definately worth having done
  2. If you micro-chip the handler, they may be sent to you if they get lost
  3. Don’t eat too many beans when offered a fry up breakfast!

Last modified: February 9, 2015